Calling ALL massage therapists. Remedial (sports) massage 'guru', Mel Cash, is coming to Chamonix for a 3 day workshop, run by Chamofix Massage and held at Chamonix Gym ( from 31st Jan to 2nd Feb. There are a few spaces left. Don't miss out!!!!!

Sports Massage Training - 3 Day Workshop in Chamonix
Available for qualified Massage Therapists (minimum BTEC/ITEC A&P and Holistic Massage Level 3 or equivalent), the three-day sports massage course is limited to 12 spaces, so book early to avoid disappointment!
Day 1 and day 2 will focus on specific techniques while Day 3 will encompass an essential recap, putting the training into practice for real-life winter sports case study scenarios. This is where any of your own clinical experiences or queries can be addressed. Mel will discuss the latest understanding of soft tissue and musculoskeletal anatomy. Throughout Mel Cash’ massage training there will be ongoing focus on good working posture and efficient use of body-weight and our hand/arm/elbow tools! As ever, the massage techniques will include a variety of side-lying and other treatment positions.
Massage Workshop Dates for Mel Cash in Chamonix 2011
Tuesday 31 January 2012: Postural Assessments and Myofascial Release
Myofascial Release is an effective & relatively gentle massage technique to rebalance connective tissue restrictions, therefore restoring motion and eliminating pain from myofascial tension. Postural & palpatory assessment is essential for deciding on direction, location and intensity of tissue pressure.
Wednesday 1 February 2012:Muscle Energy Techniques (RI and PIR) and STR
Reciprocal Inhibition (RI) is a massage technique used when antagonist muscles are engaged instead of the agonist muscle/muscle group in need of stretching. This is useful when the agonist muscles have experienced trauma or are otherwise painful when contracting.Post Isometric Relaxation (PIR) is useful for areas of chronic soft tissue tension and can be used to safely and effectively restore normal tissue length. Soft Tissue Release (STR) is a versatile and efficient massage technique to release tension in non-acute conditions. STR can be applied through clothes or directly onto skin in a wide variety of clinical and out-door situation.
Thursday 2 February 2012: Sports Massage Open Workshop
Recap and further practice of the techniques learned over the last two days, working with sports-specific
massage case study scenarios - especially winter sports!
290 euros or £270 (pounds sterling) for 3 day course
120 euros or £110 (pounds sterling) per day
For more info and to book your place, contact:
[email protected] or
Available for qualified Massage Therapists (minimum BTEC/ITEC A&P and Holistic Massage Level 3 or equivalent), the three-day sports massage course is limited to 12 spaces, so book early to avoid disappointment!
Day 1 and day 2 will focus on specific techniques while Day 3 will encompass an essential recap, putting the training into practice for real-life winter sports case study scenarios. This is where any of your own clinical experiences or queries can be addressed. Mel will discuss the latest understanding of soft tissue and musculoskeletal anatomy. Throughout Mel Cash’ massage training there will be ongoing focus on good working posture and efficient use of body-weight and our hand/arm/elbow tools! As ever, the massage techniques will include a variety of side-lying and other treatment positions.
Massage Workshop Dates for Mel Cash in Chamonix 2011
Tuesday 31 January 2012: Postural Assessments and Myofascial Release
Myofascial Release is an effective & relatively gentle massage technique to rebalance connective tissue restrictions, therefore restoring motion and eliminating pain from myofascial tension. Postural & palpatory assessment is essential for deciding on direction, location and intensity of tissue pressure.
Wednesday 1 February 2012:Muscle Energy Techniques (RI and PIR) and STR
Reciprocal Inhibition (RI) is a massage technique used when antagonist muscles are engaged instead of the agonist muscle/muscle group in need of stretching. This is useful when the agonist muscles have experienced trauma or are otherwise painful when contracting.Post Isometric Relaxation (PIR) is useful for areas of chronic soft tissue tension and can be used to safely and effectively restore normal tissue length. Soft Tissue Release (STR) is a versatile and efficient massage technique to release tension in non-acute conditions. STR can be applied through clothes or directly onto skin in a wide variety of clinical and out-door situation.
Thursday 2 February 2012: Sports Massage Open Workshop
Recap and further practice of the techniques learned over the last two days, working with sports-specific
massage case study scenarios - especially winter sports!
290 euros or £270 (pounds sterling) for 3 day course
120 euros or £110 (pounds sterling) per day
For more info and to book your place, contact:
[email protected] or