Yes, chocolate is actually GOOD FOR YOU!! Snack wisely to keep your energy up, maximise your hydration levels and top up your vitamins and minerals. Thanks Hannah for these pick me up food choices! Bon app.
Sunday morning yoga. What better time to work on keeping body, mind and soul together?
Breathing, postures and relaxation to: Restore, realign and revitalize your body. Improve muscle tone, agility, strength, breathing control and efficiency. Reduce stiffening joints, ease aches and pain. Maintain a healthy circulation and digestive  system. Steady the mind, improve concentration and find your equilibrium. Release stress, emotional tension and balance out mood changes

Ready for the next day on the mountain! 

Come and experience a class based on the classical Sivananda style of yoga which focuses on the remarkable all-round benefits yoga can have on our mental and emotional state, while we work physically for a toned and healthy body, inside and out. Accessible to all levels, regardless of your level of flexibility!

Sunday Morning 10am Classes at Chamonix Gym with Allison, certified Sivananda and Yoga Alliance International teacher.

Prenez le temps de vous ressourcer avec le yoga dimanche matin. Respiration, postures et la relaxation à:
Restaurer, réaligner et revitaliser votre corps. Améliorer le tonus musculaire, l'agilité, la control et l'efficacité de la respiration. Réduire la raideur des articulations, soulage les maux des dos, et maintenir une circulation et un système digestif saine. Favorise la clarté de l'esprit, l’équilibre et la sérénité, et améliorer la concentration. Atténue le stress, la tension émotionnelle et les changements d’humeur.

Pret pour une journee a la montagne!

Venez découvrir une classe basée sur le style classique du yoga Sivananda, qui met l'accent sur les bienfaits remarquable completde yoga sur notre état ​​mental et émotionnel pendant que nous travaillons physiquement pour un corps tonique et en bonne santé - à l'intérieur ainsi qu'à l'extérieur. Accessible à tous les niveaux, quel que soit votre niveau de flexibilité! 

Les cours de Dimanche matin (1000 a Chamonix Gym) sont avec Allison, enseignant certifié Sivananda Yoga et  Yoga Alliance Internationale.  

Check it out here, and look forward to seeing you soon at one of Chamonix Gym's fitness classes:
circuits, yoga, zumba, body balance, pilates, core strength, boxercise, stretching, aerobics and more ...
Now that the sun's out and Chamonix feels like spring, it's time to reach for your running shoes. Or not.
Barefoot running isn't new news, but this recent report from Japan is definitely worth a watch. And if you're keen to try it, or would like a video analysis of your running, get in touch! A running gait analysis will help you (a) improve your running style and
efficiency and (b) help prevent injuries. For new barefoot runners, we'll introduce you to the techniques and provide a safe environment to give it a go. Seeing yourself on screen with a video analysis of your running is a great way to see how you can improve and help you self-correct. Drop us a line for more information:
For the rest of February, we're running a promotion on all our fitness classes. Bring a paying friend, and your class is FREE.
Want to know more about working your core? What does it actually mean? Check out this interview with Dr Stuart McGill for a few tips on what to do ... and more importantly, what NOT to do:

It's February. It's freaking freezing in Chamonix . And it's about to get busy as hell!
So to make you smile, we've got FREE stuff at Chamonix gym this month ...


What's going on and what's coming up at Chamonix Gym this January?
JANUARY DETOX! Last 2 spaces ...
3 Days: Tuesday 24th to Thursday 26th January
It's time. Christmas is over and the New year Chamonix carnage has died down. Let's get back to feeling healthy again after a month of over eating and too much drinking. Our 3 day detox really works!! If you're not sure, we can put you in touch with people who've done it and love it. The programme includes a daily supply of freshly prepared fruit and vegetable smoothies, plus purifying and alkalising supplements. The ingredients are totally balanced and nutritious - and the programme is designed to cleanse and help you lose weight, without leaving you starving and lacking energy. It also includes a free 'treat' of your choice to help you feel amazing: choose from a massage, a spray tan, a manicure or pedicure, or 2 fitness classes of your choice. Drop us a line for more information. There are 2 spaces left. €150.

Class cancellations - advanced warning:  
We have a sports massage course running at the gym so have cancelled daytime classes on 31st Jan, 1st Feb & 2nd Feb - really sorry! The evening classes on each day will take place as normal.
Tues 31st Jan - Morning Yoga, Core 2, Super Stretch - cancelled
Weds 1st Feb - Morning Yoga, Flow Yoga, Mums yoga - cancelled
Thurs 2nd Feb - Core 1, Circuits - cancelled, Power Yoga - cancelled

Andra has been injured but is still running aerobics (with a body double), and Iona is covering most of her Zumba classes. Should all be back to normal in 2 weeks. Get well soon!!
Dougie is taking over Aurelie's circuits classes on Tuesday evenings at 1930, in addition to boxercise. Book both for a full on workout!!
New Yoga teacher, Allison, is now taking Sunday morning's yoga classes
Ashley is due back from America in a couple of weeks and can't wait to get back to teaching ... we'll confirm what classes asap.

Want to know more about Chamonix Gym, Be Pure Fit and Chamonix Massage?
Get in Touch!

Calling ALL massage therapists. Remedial (sports) massage 'guru', Mel Cash, is coming to Chamonix for a 3 day workshop, run by Chamofix Massage and held at Chamonix Gym ( from 31st Jan to 2nd Feb. There are a few spaces left. Don't miss out!!!!!
Sports Massage Training - 3 Day Workshop in Chamonix
Available for qualified Massage Therapists  (minimum BTEC/ITEC A&P and Holistic Massage Level 3 or equivalent), the three-day sports massage course is limited to 12 spaces, so book early to avoid disappointment!

Day 1 and day 2 will focus on specific techniques while Day 3 will encompass an essential recap, putting the training into practice for real-life winter sports case study scenarios. This is where any of your own clinical experiences or queries can be addressed. Mel will discuss the latest understanding of soft tissue and musculoskeletal anatomy. Throughout Mel Cash’ massage training there will be ongoing focus on good working posture and efficient use of body-weight and our hand/arm/elbow tools! As ever, the massage techniques will include a variety of side-lying and other treatment positions.

Massage Workshop Dates for Mel Cash in Chamonix 2011

Tuesday 31 January 2012: Postural Assessments and Myofascial Release
Myofascial Release is an effective & relatively gentle massage technique to rebalance connective tissue restrictions, therefore restoring motion and eliminating pain from myofascial tension. Postural & palpatory assessment is essential for deciding on direction, location and intensity of tissue pressure.

Wednesday 1 February 2012:Muscle Energy Techniques (RI and PIR) and STR
Reciprocal Inhibition (RI) is a massage technique used when antagonist muscles are engaged instead of the agonist muscle/muscle group in need of stretching. This is useful when the agonist muscles have experienced trauma or are otherwise painful when contracting.Post Isometric Relaxation (PIR) is useful for areas of chronic soft tissue tension and can be used to safely and effectively restore normal tissue length. Soft Tissue Release (STR) is a versatile and efficient massage technique to release tension in non-acute conditions. STR can be applied through clothes or directly onto skin in a wide variety of clinical and out-door situation.

Thursday 2 February 2012: Sports Massage Open Workshop
Recap and further practice of the techniques learned over the last two days, working with sports-specific
massage case study scenarios - especially winter sports!

290 euros or £270 (pounds sterling) for 3 day course
120 euros or £110 (pounds sterling) per day

For more info and to book your place, contact: or